is proud to offer the
EFT Train the Trainer Course
(AKA the "Ultimate Facilitators Course"
We need good trainers and facilitators for EFT
That's why we're now offering
New, Reduced Pricing!! $595San Francisco, dates August 2012
See other EFT and Pro EFT Workshops
throughout the USAll live events are preceded by 4, mandatory, 90-minute webinars
Whether you want to teach basic EFT or Pro EFT, then this is a must-do
course for you. We teach all of the aspects and areas of producing and
presenting EFT Levels 1 and 2 material (with AAMET standardized trainings)
And we add several Pro EFT techniques and as well.
Here's what one of our recent students said about this course. I am so honored that he came from Afghanistan on his leave to take the Trainers Course.
Hi Lindsay
I would like to say a special thanks to are an amazing do so much for was an incredible experience being on the course..its something I will never forget...I have learned so much about myself from all the filming and critique etc.It is a brilliant course you put on..and it was great to see that even highly trained professional
people also felt the class was incredible and that without a doubt the most outstanding event in EFT training... The guidance you have given us will be the Apex of our training. love ya TAFFWhat is it? What do I have to do to qualify? What will I have or be able to teach afterwards?How do I become certified as a trainer?
We like to think of our Train the Trainers Course as the Ultimate Facilitators Course... because we cover everything. Many people think that getting in front of the classroom and teaching EFT would be great fun and rewarding. And IT IS! However, the front-of-the-room presentation part is less than 30% of the work.
You need EFT practice, knowledge, guidance and experience to be good. Classroom presentations are the reward for the time and energy you invest beforehand to make sure your classes are successful. You may think you're good in front of the room (and may be right,) but most people are shocked when they see themselves through the eyes of a video and experienced observers.
Without pre-class preparation, and honing of your presentation skills your workshop could really flop. AND you could lose a lot of money and credibility. Been there done that and have worn out the t-shirts. It's taken me over 30 years of facilitating to acquire the knowledge, experience and skill we're going to teach you in this course.
We'll cover all facets of producing and presenting a workshop for you, refining your presentation skills using video and verbal feedback, as well as other important elements of which most people are not aware.
Qualifications to attend: In order to qualify for this course, you need to have taken and passed our minimum requirements of qualified EFT Level 1 and 2 courses. You cannot qualify by having taken the EFT Cert exams or simply be EFT-ADV. If you have considerable experience as a practitioner, you may qualify by taking our Pro EFT Level 1 and 2 Webinar. We will even waive the fee of $428 for the Level 1 and 2 Webinars when you register for the Trainers Course. You will only be charged a $150 re-auditing fee for the webinars...which you can watch anytime before the Trainers Course.
Certification: You can teach EFT after this course, but in order to actually be certified as a trainer you will need to have successfully completed a Level 3 training from a qualified trainer and pass proficiency requirements and a written exam. Optionally, by completing this course, the certification process and our Ultimate Practitioners Workshop (Level 3 +) you will qualify to be listed on our EFT Institute website as a certified Pro EFT Practitioner and on the site as a certified EFT Practitioner.
To save you considerable time and travel expenses, we have constructed the UFC (Ultimate Facilitator Course) into two segments:
Segment 1- Virtual Classes: This segment is a five-part, 75-minute webinar series (also via teleclasses.) These will be used to deal with a wealth of information you will need and want. This information can easily be presented to you via webinar, saving you time and money. Four of the virtual classes will be prior to the live course, with one afterwards for follow-up and questions. There will also be audios and videos I will create for you as informational or support material. (Segments 1 and 2 are mandatory for trainers)
Segment 1 Webinar Dates: TBA
Segment 2 - Live Workshop: The 3-day, in-person workshop During these three days, we will do considerable of in-front-of-the-class work, on the material required in Levels 1 and 2, using your video practice sessions and tools.
NOTE: Your successful completion of this course is contingent upon your participation in all of the classes of Parts 1 and 2, virtual and in-person.
Times and Dates for Segment 2: 9 am to 6 pm, Friday, Sat. and Sun.
- San Francisco TBA
Besides lowering the price, we have furthermore made these courses more affordable by allowing you to optionally split the payment in two. So there are two options:
Total Tuition $595
Segment 1, Webinars = $250. Segment 2 + Live Course = $345Option 1: Segment 1 and 2 (live workshop) plus (webinar) - $595
Again, this option includes the 3-day live workshop plus the 5 Webinars (4 before the workshop and 1 afterwards) $595 for either of the below choices:
$595 <<< click here for Option 1
SAN FRANCISCO, Future dates TBAIf you are in active Military Service you can receive a 50% scholarship for this complete workshop. Use this link to register for the next Trainers workshop and pay only $297.50 for both segments (with proof of Active Militatry Service... or retirement in 2011) - Please indicate which date you will be attending.
Option 2: Split your payment in two parts:
$250 now, for Segment 1, the webinar portion
4 classes before the live training: All Mondays in April; 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th and 1 follow-up post class webinar You must complete the webinar portion live or via recordings to attend the live course$345 due 30 days prior to Segment 2, the live class
Pay for Segment 1 separately:
$250 for the virtual webinar, Segment 1 This segment alone will not qualify you to be an AAMET or EFT trainer. You must also attend the live workshop
Pay for Segment 2 separately: $345 the live workshop This
option is available only if you have previously paid for the virtual webinar, Segment 1
When using option 2 please indicate in the comments section of your registration page, in which city you will be attending the live workshop.
Why should you take this course?
This course is mandatory to become a qualified or certified AAMET or Pro EFT Trainer. Learning from the pros will help you avoid many costly mistakes and save you a ton of time, money and heartaches. We'll teach you what works and what doesn't, which is priceless. You will also gain a wealth of information, tips and tools that are critical to your success as a facilitator.* Completing this course alone does not certify you as an AAMET, Trainer. However, you will be a Trainer Candidate and be able to do Level 1 and 2 trainings. You will still need to complete an online exam and submit two 15 - 30 minute videos of portions of your workshops for certification and a Level 3 workshop. Optionally, you can co-facilitate with Lindsay on a Level 1 training for observation. We'll discuss this in class.
Here are just some of the elements we will cover:
- The beforehand production and logistics of a workshop to ensure the course runs smoothly
- Marketing and promotion to make your market aware of your classes and how to inspire them to register
- How to successfully find, secure and negotiate for a venue for your needs
- Important registration information you need to know
- The set-up and pre-class tasks you MUST do
- Countless time-saving tips, secrets and must-know information
- Valuable content and skills for your workshops
- The Pros and Cons of using PowerPoint
- In-front-of-the-room skills and practice
- Fear-busting techniques
- Confidence-building techniques
- Video recordings of you and feedback (breathe and tap on it)
- Post-class follow-up and webinar
- Basic and critical information about teleclasses or webinars (contingent on your needs)
Where San Francisco, Denver Special rates have been negotiated for you and we will give you all of the details when you register.
San Francisco Bay Area: Dates, TBA at the Acqua hotel, 5 minutes past the Golden Gate Bridge - 555 Redwood Blvd. Mill Valley, CA, 94941
Further hotel registration and travel logistics will be provided when you register. However, if you would like to check out the accommodations now, just click here
Denver, CO: Postponed, future dates TBA
the Hyatt Summerfield Hotel, DIA
During the workshop I will announce a package option to purchase various PowerPoint presentations. Having a program already complete for you will significantly add to your professionalism and save you hundreds of hours of time.
Our PowerPoint presentations are not part of our pricing for this course, however.
Look for more on this option later on.
Compassionate Life Coaching Since 1980