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A Wonderful, Limited Time Offer!
Hot Flash 1: Are you already having withdrawals from the Tapping World Summit? We will have more news for you about that on Monday. In the meantime, here's an AWESOME way to fill that tapping void: We're making replays available online (for a limited time only) for our recent Transformational Tapathon™!
AND here's the most amazing
part: We're making these two days of unedited, complete classroom recordings available for only $99!!!
That's over 15 hours of amazing classroom videos, with teaching, practicing, tapping, demonstrations and downloads accessible online for you.
Lisa Engles, the producer of the video-streaming part of our event, has agreed to make the replays available until March 31st. Then, alas, they must be taken down.
So that gives you three weeks to watch them and transform your life.
You'll have access to all of the classroom material; handouts, downloads, tapping buddies and more, for only $99! Woo Hoo! AND, you'll be able to join our online, Facebook, private Tapathon group for continued support. So do it now.
Get access now to the replays of this entire course, for only $99!
or read more about it on our site
Hot Flash 2: There's been so much going on that you might not have heard that our 4-day Practitioners Intensive™ is next month: April 24-27th We "may" be able to stream that live as well, but don't count on it yet. If you want to become a Pro EFT™ practitioner, get certified eventually and maybe even become a Master, then this is THE course for you. Learn more about it at www.PractitionersIntensive.com

Good Luck and Good Tapping,
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master
Upcoming Pro EFT™ Workshops and Events
Live or Virtual

April 24 - 27 Pro EFT™ Practitioners Intensive™ / Level 3
Read more and register at www.PractitionersIntensive.com
Venue: Acqua Hotel, Mill Valley, CA, 8 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco Bay
June 6-8 Pro EFT™ Workshop/ Level 1 and 2 with Zoe Walton and Lynn Robinson Read more and register at www.zoewalton.com
Venue: Novato Oaks Inn, Novato, CA
August 15-17 Pro EFT™ Certification
Venue: Acqua Hotel, Mill Valley, CA
August 26- Sept. 24th Ireland Sacred Sites Tour, with Energy Healing and EFT. Guided by Pro EFT™ Master, Michelle Hughes. Download this flyer, or visit their site for details: www.anamcharaEnergy/SacredSites.html
Also: Practitioners Continuing Education coming up this summer! Dates TBA soon.
* "FRisbEE" is our little euphemism for "no cost" or "complimentary," gift, etc. Spelling out the FR and EE would mean your spam filters would keep you from getting this. So instead of spelling it fr*e-e we make it FRisbEE, which is more fun. Now you know. Back to where you left off.
Other Tapping News and Resources