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A Quick Reminder
I wanted to to remind you about our radio program Wednesday night (9pm EDT, 6PDT). If you have a loved one or friend who is dealing with an addiction of any kind, then you'll want to join us for this show! Nothing is more heart-breaking than to see someone you love destroyed by drugs, alcohol or other addictions. But the good news is we know tapping can really help! www.ProEFTradio.com

Our guest, Cathryn Taylor, is the perfect person to help us with this devastating issue. She's an extraordinary addiction counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Pro EFT Practitioner. Cathryn will be giving us some amazing insights into addictions and how to conquer them with EFT. If you experience addiction with anyone in your life, please join us for this show. I promise you won't be disappointed
If you can't join us live, listen anytime at www.ProEFT.com/media.html
If you haven't done so yet, be sure to watch the videos by Bob Proctor and Bob Doyle
Upcoming Pro EFT workshops:
- May 20-22nd Train the Trainers (For those who want to be an EFT Facilitator)
in San Francisco
- September 9th- 11th- Level 1 and 2, with Law of Attraction focus
Location: San Francisco Bay Area Read more and register at www.TappingWorkshops.com
October 14-16th, Level 1 and 2, with Law of Attraction focus
Location, Phoenix, AZ www.TappingWorkshops.com
October 28th - 30th Ultimate Practitioners Workshop / Level 3
Location: Acqua Hotel, Mill Valley, CA www.TappingWorkshops.com
Good Luck, Happy 2011 and Good Tapping,
Other Tapping News and Resources