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Dr. Patricia Carrington
Hot Flash 1: Bless Pat Carrington's heart! It seems she never stops doing wonderful things for EFT. Monday, April 4th, Pat is launching her new, (f*ree,) unique, review website for EFT products! This has been much-needed and a long time coming. In fact, Pat has spent countless hours and months listening to, watching, reading and reviewing literally hundreds of EFT products for her new site. She has now selected what she feels are the best EFT audios, videos, books and EFT materials out there.
Taking it an innovative step further, Pat made a choice to present these products in a highly creative and enjoyable way as a Treasure Island! Find buried treasures, pieces of eight, gold coins, crown jewels, (and maybe a buried hook and pegged legged) on Pat's “Treasure Island” theme site. That makes it both fun and easy to find top quality "Treasures" quickly. Pat even reviews many of the products herself (I’m very flattered by what she says about some of mine. :-) www.PatsTreasureIsland.com
If you’ve ever been confused or frustrated with what's out there and have gambled on making the right choices, then you’ll love Pat’s Treasure Island. Here are some of the things it does for you:
- Presents new, valuable f*ree treasures each week
- Highlights valuable, carefully-chosen items by Pat (which will be like finding a buried treasure of support.)
- Reviews a wealth of items, screened and critiqued by Pat
- Offers a monthly LOTTERY where the winner receives $500 worth of self-help materials.
- Depicts creative groupings of selected items that go together in a theme.
- Provides several special-pricing options
- Takes the confusion and risk out of buying unknown meridian tapping products
When you join Pat's Treasure Island (remember it’s F*R*E*E,) you will receive a bonus ticket to the following month's lottery. Take a stroll along the beach and look for my special grouping on "Attracting Love" at www.PatsTreasureIsland.com
Hot Flash 2: For Level 2 and 3 Practitioners... On a generous whim (and because we need new trainers,) I've decided to lower the price of our Train the Trainers Courses this year! Instead of $748, which was a good deal, based on what you get, I've reduced these unique training courses to only $595! That's a 3-day live workshop (in San Francisco, Denver or Boston) plus a 5-part webinar, and a wealth of free material. If you are aspiring to become a workshop facilitator or trainer you'll need this course to be a trainer-in-training or certified trainer. Read about our upcoming classes, beginning next month (trainer webinars start April 18th) at. www.EFTTrainersCourse.com
Upcoming Pro EFT workshops:
Good Luck, Happy 2011 and Good Tapping,
Other Tapping News and Resources