Two Extraordinary, Interlinked Programs
to get Excited About
I know one should never start with an apology, but please forgive my enthusiasm in this
newsletter. It's personal and represents a lot of hard work and I am VERY
excited about this announcement. Lindsay
Hot, Hot Flash: Nothing gets me more excited than talking about or teaching the Law of Attraction! It's been a part of my life and a passion since I was 7 years old!
Helping people attract the lives and experiences they most desire has been one of my specialties for over 35 years. So with the help of my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Patricia Carrington, we've mastered the Law of Attraction by developing two extraordinary, new programs. And we want to share them with you, our loyal subscribers.
But first, I would like you to ask and answer the following questions of yourself: (only you will see the answers, so please be honest.)
(Note - If you would like to print out these questions so you can answer them in writing (highly recommended,) simply click here to download them.)
- Measure yourself on each of the following five statements - on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being ideal:
1. How healthy are my two primary relationships?
2. How close am I to my ideal weight and ideal health?
3. How comfortable am I with my career, job or financial situation?
4. How happy am I in general?
5. How happy do I deserve to be?
- Answer these questions to the best of your ability. If you aren't sure, just guess:
6. What goal have I had for a while but can't seemed to reach?
What's missing in my life that would give me great pleasure and peace of mind?
8. What bad habit or behavior would I most like to get rid of (or change?)
9. How would my life be different if I had most or all of the things I desired?
How valuable would it be to be able to live my life by design, (rather than by default?)
- Answer four more important questions, also guessing if you don't know the answers:
- What's in the way of me having the things I want or feeling the way I'd like to feel?
What's going through my mind right now, even as I think about improving my life?
- What excuse am I giving myself for why I can't have what I want?
- What would I be willing to do to have (and feel I deserve) a happy, successful, abundant life?
Again, if you would like to print out these questions so you can answer them in writing (highly recommended,) simply click here to download them. You will also see how to score your answers.)
Was that a bit too eye-opening or scary for you? Or did you love your answers and results? If you aren't satisfied with where you are in life and the feelings you're experiencing, then I honestly believe Pat and I have the answer to turn your life around.
As I mentioned before, Pat Carrington and I have been working hard for almost 8 months to develop and perfect a most extraordinary program to help you reach your goals, improve your health and relationships... and move from debt to prosperity. And now we are excited to share it with the world. But YOU are hearing about it first!!
The program consists of two parts:
Part One is our 6-week, online "Attracting Exactly What You Want"Course. When you see what's included in this awesome course, I think you'll understand why we're so excited about it. More importantly, I'm hoping you'll be able to understand how you could benefit and answer the above questions much more to your liking... in just a few weeks!
Part Two is our new "I Can Attract" membership website, which is simply beautiful, unique and awesome. It's the real surprise in this Attracting program and something available only to people who take the 6-week (but self-paced) Attracting Course.

But rather than me telling you all about it here, I'd like you to go to our new site and find out how you can change the experience, joy and very fabric of your life, affordably and in just a few sessions. Go to
Forgive me for bragging just a little bit, but I believe this is
THE coolest, most powerful Law of Attraction program anywhere!
For one, it's not like anything else you've ever seen or heard of. It is our own original, unique Tapping and Attracting material. And we're making it so affordable you almost can't afford NOT to do it. Plus, we have a nice gift to motivate you to take action now:
Register in the next 5 days for the "Attracting Exactly What You Want" recorded 6- week, online courseand receive Pat's unique Snapshot Method package as a gift!

This a $47 value that includes a 75-minute audio on the Snapshot Method, plus the transcript of the audio... and Pat's eBook on her exclusive LOA method for attracting.
So if you're ready to take advantage of our introductory offer now for only $117* ... click on the Get Access Now button

Remember, register by this Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, by 9 PM PDT, to get Pat's Snapshot Method as a bonus! We REALLY want you to have this program now, while it's so affordable and so valuable to you.
If you need more information before deciding, that's fine. Please read more about this incredible program on our site and see how it can literally change
the qualify of your life.
Go directly to the home page at:
Note: Because the I Can Attract site is part of the membership program, you will only have access to the home page. But that's all you need for now. It's where you can find everything you'll want to know about our "Attracting Exactly What You Want" recorded course. Once you've registered for the course, you will have an opportunity to join the membership site as soon as you start taking the classes.
To hear the story about how this all began (with Jiminy Cricket,) visit our website at: Listen to the interview there that Pat did with me where I tell some of my amazing attracting stories and results. This interview is what sparked these two
wonderful programs (the Attracting Course and the I Can Attract website.)
We know there are zillions of LOA programs out there, but this isn't like ANY of them. Of that I'm sure. For one, it contains over 150 YEARS of experience between the two of us and over 300 hours of creating and building.
This entertaining and priceless Attracting Course and the support website are packed with unique material that Pat and I personally developed. It was a labor of love and a direct result of our own Attracting and Tapping experiences and expertise.
So please invest a few moments in yourself and discover why we feel so earnestly strong about these programs.... and how they can benefit you now. While you're there, remember to listen to the fun FRisbEE story-telling interview (you can't miss the blue button, mid-page.). It's what started this amazing Attracting creation at
Click here if you're ready to register now...

Or go to and learn more and hear the interview!

Good Luck and Good Tapping,
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master
Upcoming Workshops and Events
Live or Virtual
May 31- June 3rd Pro EFT™, 4-Day Practitioners Intensive Workshop. This is a must for those wanting to take Tapping to the highest level and to make a difference with it. Read about why it might be ideal for you and register now @
Pro EFT™ Level 1 & 2 Workshops June 28 - 30th - with certified Pro EFT™ Practitioners and Trainers, Zoe Walton, L.Ac. and Lynn Robinson, MFT. It's in San Francisco so find out more and register at
Our next Pro EFT™ Certification Assessment Program will be available this summer. Dates and specifics TBA soon!
* "FRisbEE" is our little euphemism for "no cost" or "complimentary," gift, etc. Spelling out the FR and EE would mean your spam filters would keep you from getting this. So instead of spelling it fr*e-e we make it FRisbEE, which is more fun. Now you know. Back to where you left off.
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