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Two Hot-HOT Flashes and
One More Thing
If you are a man, or have a husband, son, father, brother or friend who is one, then you'll want to read Hot Flash 1!
If you a Pro EFT Practitioner (or wanna be) Read Hot Flash 2... (Hint; it's about our next Masters Program!) and One More Thing
Hot Flash 1: Recently I was asked by my long-time friend, Dr. Jed Diamond to participate in a wonderful FRisbEE webinar about Men's Health. Since I love men, I wholeheartedly agreed.
In his 40+ years as a psychologist, Jed has specialized in male-related health issues. His passion resulted in his most recent book, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well. Not surprisingly his information is relevant for women too! (It includes a chapter on tapping!)
It was Jed's book that inspired the wonderful web-based video- program "Grand Rounds", with 20 top guest speakers. It includes my favorites, Iyanla Vanzant (a Level 3 Pro EFTer,) Dr. Bruce Lipton and David Katz, MD (founding director of Yale’s Prevention Research Center.)

Besides being FRisbEE, there are no-catches to watching these webinar interviews. They are available until June 30th. And even if you miss some of each day's interviews, you can still watch them...at no cost, until the end of the month!
Here's the registration page for this fabulous, informative, program: MenAlive.com/grand-rounds/
The short video introduction by Dr. Diamond is well worth watching. You'll get his sweetness and sincerity and it will likely motivate you to watch the other speakers. Did I mention he's a big fan of tapping?
Depending on the schedule, I'm either speaking (and tapping) on Day 4 or on the last day, along with Bruce Lipton. You can find out the specifics once you register...and again, there's no cost and no catch. I really hope you join us and would love to hear how you liked it.
Here's the link for Jed's video, more information and where you can registration FRisbEE for this series: http://menalive.com/grand-rounds/
Hot Flash 2: We are excited to announce our 2014 Pro EFT™ Masters Program! It's October 23-27...and get this... it's at beautiful Lake Tahoe, CA! 
Even if you don't qualify yet to attend, you can learn how to get on track to be in next years Program.
Read more or download your application at www.ProEFTMasters.com
Along those same lines, we may have ONE spot open for our Pro EFT™ Certification Assessment Program, August 15-17th.
The National Alliance for Emotional Health in conjunction with the Pro EFT™ Institute, is the ONLY organization in the world where you can become Board Certified in Tapping. Find out how you can qualify: www.ProEFTCertification.com
One more thing: If you missed our Level 4, Continuing Education Course in May, you can still participate. We're offering the online streaming videos, for a limited time, at a special price of only $155! You'll experience two full days of tapping recordings and earn several new, powerful Pro EFT™ processes and techniques. Watch them at your convenience from your home or office...or your mobile device . Read why you should take advantage of this now: www.ProEFT.com/workshops/Level4_RecordingsReg.html

Good Luck and Good Tapping,
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master
Upcoming Pro EFT™ Workshops and Events
Live or Virtual

May 31- June 1 Level 4, Pro EFT™ Continuing Education - For Level 3, Pro EFT™ grads only: www.ProEFT.com/Workshops/Continuing_Education.html
* "FRisbEE" is our little euphemism for "no cost" or "complimentary," gift, etc. Spelling out the FR and EE would mean your spam filters would keep you from getting this. So instead of spelling it fr*e-e we make it
FRisbEE, which is more fun. Now you know. Back to where you left off.
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