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Three FRisbEEs for you!
FRisbEE #1: Pat Carrington, the now 90-year 'girl', is still in shock and awe about her birthday surprise!
Since Pat can't personally thank everyone who participated in her birthday tribute, we
are conducting a FRisbEE, 3-part Teleclass this Thursday, July 10th (6pm PDT) to do that.
We'll open by allowing Pat to express her gratitude to everyone who contributed to her birthday bliss. And whether you did or not, she wants to do a tap along for everyone, which I think you'll find very inspirational.
Next, I also want to thank you for participating with a short presentation on "Playing the Game of Life to Win". Sadly, most people tend to "Play Not to Lose" ... which not surprisingly doesn't work very well. Learn how to discover if you're doing that and how to turn it around.
Next, we'll do some "Motivational Tapping", which will include ways Pat has inspired me and countless others with her relentless energy, optimism and commitment to helping people. We're hoping you'll find the entire hour uplifting and enjoyable.
And all of that is FRisbEE! In fact, you don't even have to register to join us. Simply find the log-in information at this link: www.ProEFT.com/Pats_Bday_Teleclass.html and show up on the your phone Thursday evening.
If you can't join us live you can find the replays of the Teleclass on that page as well. Here it is again www.ProEFT.com/Pats_Bday_Teleclass.html
For those who still want to contribute to Pat's Birthday Tribute, you can find the information on how to do that on the above page as well. I hope to see you Thursday, whether you participated in the joy or not. :-)
FRisbEE #2: A few weeks ago, I announced Dr. Jed Diamond's "Grand Rounds" webinar series. Well, now this inspiring, video-program on dealing with stress for men...and the women who love them, is available again. And it's still FRisbEE for you!

This series includes video interviews with 20 top guest speakers (for which I'm honored to be included.)
You'll see the incomparable Iyanla Vanzant (a Level 3 Pro EFT Practitioner,) Dr. Bruce Lipton (one of my favorite speakers) and Dr. David Katz, MD (founding director of Yale’s Prevention Research Center.)
The entire line-up of presenters is impressive, so please read more and register for this fabulous FRisbEE program at this link: http://menalive.com/grand-rounds
You can also watch the above video of Jed, talking about his passion of men's health. Did I mention it was complimentary? So pass this along to any man you love, or women you know who have men in their lives. ha.
Here's that link again: http://menalive.com/grand-rounds
Frisbee #3: Last month I announced a program by my colleague, Christie Grant, "Discover Your Resilient Self". It offered tools for families of children with a mental illness. Christie knows what it's like to have a child with a mental disorder, and put together this fabulous telesummit to help people deal with the overwhelming challenges she has encountered.
The good news is the time has been extended for FRisbEE access! You have from now until July 13th to take advantage of these interviews, tools and material. So if you or anyone you know is dealing with a child with a mental disorder, send them this link now: www.DiscoverYourresilientSelf.com/linken
Learn from 20 parenting experts who will offer tips and tools you can use right away. Even though I'm not a parent, I do deal with parents of challenged children in my private practice and workshops. So I bring the energy psychology perspective to the program. I share how to use Tapping to alleviate the stress, anxiety, guilt, shame and more for overwhelmed family members.
Again, thanks to Christie for making this program FRisbEE for the entire week. Simply register here: ww.DiscoverYourresilientSelf.com/linken

Good Luck and Good Tapping,
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master
Upcoming Pro EFT™ Workshops and Events
Live or Virtual

Video replays are now available for our Pro EFT™ Continuing Education program. Discover how you can affordable own these tow days of advanced material at this link: www.ProEFT.com/Workshops/Level4_RecordingsReg.html
August 15-17 Pro EFT™ Certification Read what this entails and how to qualify; www.ProEFTcertification.com
Venue: Acqua Hotel, Mill Valley, CA

October October 23-27th: Pro™ EFT Masters at Lake Tahoe! Read about this one-of-a-kind-program and how you can get on the track to be a part of it.
November 6-7th Continuing Pro EFT™ Education Course- Part 2 followed by Matrix Reimprinting, November 8-9th with Karin Davidson. Details and registration coming soon.
* "FRisbEE" is our little euphemism for "no cost" or "complimentary," gift, etc. Spelling out the FR and EE would mean your spam filters would keep you from getting this. So instead of spelling it fr*e-e we make it
FRisbEE, which is more fun. Now you know. Back to where you left off.
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