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Hot Flash Reminder: If you even remotely suspect that you might have metal toxicity*, make sure you listen to our Pro EFT Radio Show tonight - 6pm EDT (7-13-11)
I'll once again be interviewing my friend and colleague, Valerie Ozsu as we discuss the negative affects heavy metals have on our bodies.
Valerie is a Nurse Practitioner and is an expert on how to deal with this silent and very common issue. Valerie is also the Director of the Natural Health and Wellness Center in Vacaville.
It was on a previous show with Valerie last month that I discovered that many of my own chronic health issues were likely related to mercury poisoning. (See some of the common symptoms below) I'm so grateful for Valerie's help and support during this and wanted to share her knowledge and expertise with everyone. You won't want to miss what she has to say.
I've already gone through SO much with this; first confirming that I indeed have mercury poisoning, via several amalgam crowns and fillings. Then learning, with Valerie's guidance how to detoxify myself in getting ready to have the silver fillings removed. Also, taking the right supplements, seeing dentists and more. Aughh! And I'm still not done.
If you even think that this might be relevant to you or to someone you love, then please listen to this show. And remember, if you can't join us live, then listen to the recording anytime at http://tinyurl.com/proEFTShows
Tune in online at www.ProEFTRadio.com
or phone in at 760-683-2626. 9pm EDT,
(6pm PDT)
* Common symptoms of heavy metal poisoning (many of which I've experienced):
- Chronic pain - muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body
- Chronic malaise – general feeling of discomfort, fatigue, and illness
- Brain fog – state of forgetfulness and confusion
- Chronic infections - such as Candida
- Gastrointestinal issues - such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas,
- Food allergies
- Dizziness
- Migraines and/or headaches
- Visual disturbances
- Mood swings, depression, and/or anxiety
- Nervous system malfunctions – burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis, and/or an electrifying feeling throughout the body
Reminder: Please visit our new Pro EFT Fan Page on Facebook say something nice about us or click on the "Like" button. You can also download our "Reversals Neutralization" video from there. Use this link and
thanks in advance! :-) http://tinyurl.com/ProEFTfan :-)
Please send your Vets friends and family to www.TappingWorkshops.com to read about our Tappy Williams Military Scholarship Program.
Upcoming Pro EFT workshops:
Note: We've had to postpone our July Tap-Away Weight Clinic & August Train the Trainer courses in Denver. I'll let you know when we reschedule
- September 9th- 11th- Level 1 and 2, with Spirituality Focus (SFO)
- October 14-16th - Phoenix, AZ, : Tap Away Weight ™ (Level 2 equivalent)
- October 28th - 30th Ultimate Practitioners Workshop™ /Level 3, SFO
- November 4-6th EFT / Pro EFT Certification Assessment Program™
This program will certify practitioners for EFT, Pro EFT*, MTT and AAMET. You can't beat it! (* Pro EFT certification is only for those who have completed our Pro EFT Level 3 Workshop) We will, however, certify Basic EFT and MTT practitioners during this assessment program, providing you meet the other requirements from AAMET.
- Dec. 2nd and 3rd, Tapping 4 Abundance™ (a Level 2 Equivalent Course,) San Francisco Bay Area. Followed by...
Good Luck and Good Tapping,
Other Tapping News and Resources
- Visit us at www.ProEFT.com and download our F*R*E*E Pro EFT Starter Package worth over $200.
- Read about Lindsay's Ultimate Personal Transformation Program going on now. 10 sessions and 10 weeks to ultimate change.
- Visit Lindsay's Media Page for interviews, audios, videos and more.
- Check out our 11-11-11 sale. 60-80% Off Everything; EFT teleclass audios, videos, books and more, visit our ProEFT Products page.
- If you want practice tapping with others check out our new Tapping Buddies Program We have beginners and experts in basic EFT and Pro EFT, all volunteering to help each other.
Check out our F*ree Stuff and FAQ's pages for a wealth of F*ree downloads, articles, links and audios.
- Become an LK Coaching Affiliate and earn money! And check out our affiliate partners on my website for some great products and services.