A Time-Sensitive Reminder, A Heart-Warming Update on our Memorial Tapping Event
2 Valuable Hot Flashes
An important reminder: If you missed
my interview with Sandi Radomski last week, make sure you listen now!
Sandi was amazing and these interviews. Mine and Pat Carrington's, both contain must-know information that could be vital to your health. Really. Trust me. Also, Sandi has extended an offer for her amazing Laser Packages until Monday, August 15th. Download Sandi's f*r*e*e DVD and find the audios and the laser packages here:
A Heart-Warming Update: IT WORKED! Our Memorial Tapping Event last week paid off! Read what "Sergeant Smiley" (our anonymous soldier) wrote to me about our surrogate tapping event for them:
"...Thank you for setting up the tapping event for our fallen heroes..it really worked. Yesterday felt like a rock had been lifted off. The whole area here seemed brighter and more in tune...I can't explain it any other way...but the tapping certainly had a positive effect for the good."
I want to thank the thousands of you who participated in this worldwide tapping event. Thanks to you, many soldiers and their families are feeling better today. I received so many heart-warming emails about how it helped YOU to help THEM. It was truly a win-win. And because this event was so successful, Sgt. Smiley has a great idea! Read about it and about the event here.
Hot Flash 1: Our Spirituality-Focused, "Basics and Beyond" EFT Level 1 & 2 workshop starts Sept, 9th!

Heike, Zoe and Lynn, our co-facilitators
During this highly experiential, 3-day workshop we will be focusing on using EFT for your spiritual journey. We will teach you how apply Pro EFT to:
- Let go of your ‘story’
- Get in touch with inner peace
- Find the part of you that’s missing
- Meld into your inner stillness
- Release the fear of being who you are
Zoe and I will be joined by two of our favorite certified Pro EFT Trainers, Heike Prevrhal and Lynn Robinson. Read dates, times, location and register at http://tinyurl.com/Level1-2Spirituality
Hot Flash 2: Our Tap Away Weight Clinic™ in Phoenix is just around the corner (Oct. 14-16). Yay!
Using EFT to release weight makes it SO much easier and effective than "dieting" or ANYTHING else. It's taken me 30 years to perfect my Tap Away Weight™ program but EFT is what makes it tremendous.
To reach your weight goals we need to discover and neutralize what caused the weight issue to begin with. And I'm 100% committed to doing that with you. We'll use tapping in ways you've never seen before and you WILL succeed.
So how does this sound to you?
- Reclaim your health and vitality!
- Look and feel great in your clothes!
- Have incredible energy!
- Lower your blood pressure!
- Stabilize your blood sugar!
- Feel accomplished and wonderful!
- Live longer and better!
- Experience true joy and peace of mind!
- Be proud of yourself again!
- Love yourself completely and unconditionally!
If you're ready for that and then some, then let's go! Register right now while you're thinking about it.
Oct. 14-16th in Phoenix, AZ
Read more about this unique course and
why you need to do this now!
Seating is limited so you need to pre-register to attend.