One Big Hot Flash
and two reminders
Hot Flash! Matrix Reimprinting creator, Karl Dawson, will be my guest on this week's
Pro EFT Radio show!
Whether you're familiar with Matrix Reimprinting, or not, I think you'll find Karl captivating in this interview. Matrix Reimprinting is such an innovative and fascinating process. It's truly cutting-edge and can take you places you've never been.
I took my first Matrix class last year and found it personally very powerful. I was able to change the memory of issues I thought had been handled. In this extended interview, I'll volunteer to have Karl help me handle the death of my dad, when I was 14. Oy-Vey! I believe in Matrix Reimprinting so much that I've become a Trainer (as well as EFT, of course.") Be sure to catch this interview with Karl.
Reminder 1: If you know someone who suffers with pain, of any kind; chronic, acute, cyclical or
please forward this link to them:

The Pain Relief World Summit is a F*R*E*E, live, internet event. Learn how to eradicate your aches and pains with EFT and Pro EFT. You can do it yourself! I'll be one of the guest speakers, showing you how to use my "Cone of Shame" to release pain.
The Event starts next month, but please encourage your friends and family to register now.
And again, this 10-day event is f*ree!
Reminder 2: 
If you missed Nick Ortner's recording from last week, find it here:
It's worth the listen :-)
Good Luck and Good Tapping,