One Hot Flash,
Two reminders and a new Masthead
Hot Flash 1! Be sure to catch our show tonight on
Pro EFT Radio. My guest will be internet guru and self- improvement giant, David Riklan.
David is a successful author, speaker and founder of, the largest personal-development site on the internet .
In this straight-forward interview with David, he will share how he started his very successful, self-improvement site for $30. He will also detail his 10 steps for personal improvement, something you'll want to hear. David's philosophy is simple. There is no "one secret" to success, which is why his website offers so many options for your health and growth.
Self of course includes EFT and thousands of EFT practitioners, workshops and articles. This is a remarkable man with incredible wisdom and experience to share. This conversation with David Riklan is only for those who want to improve, grow and fulfill their dreams. That's you, isn't it?
Reminder 1: Our Tap Away Weight™ Clinic
is just three weeks away.

What are you waiting for? Reclaim your health, happiness and self-esteem, in this unique weight-release course. Discounts on the rooms at the beautiful Scottsdale Millennium Resort have been extended
until Sept. 30th.
Register now to save your place!
Oct. 14-16th
Scottsdale, AZ
Reminder 2: The F*R*E*E Pain Relief World Summit starts Oct. 3rd. Please forward this link or newsletter If you or someone you love suffers with pain, of any kind.

The World Summit is a F*R*E*E internet event. Learn how to eradicate your aches and pains yourself! I'll be one of the guest speakers, showing you how to use my "Cone of Shame" to release pain.
Encourage your friends and family to register now.
And again, every day of this online event is f*ree!
Tip of the week: Vent while you tap! It's ok to 'let-er-rip" about your pain, anger or frustration. Tap on the points while you express how you really feel about things. Remember to include phrases (if true,) such as; "It's not fair, it's not my fault, and it really hurt me!"
Good Luck and Good Tapping,