Hot Flashes Newsletter
Life Coaching with Lindsay
Helping others achieve peace, joy and purpose in life

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Read why we always spell F*R*E*E this odd way. :-)


Hot Flash 1 - I would be honored if you read my newly published, 2-part article about my experiences during the filming of the Vets PTSD documentary, "Operation Emotional Freedom: The Answer" What I didn't know before this week, was that Eric Huurre, the producer and director of this film did it all at his own expense! What a gift it has been to all of us, and especially the Vets who participated. I hope you enjoy these articles. Download them below:

Part 1: Our fear, their anger and betrayal, and the metamorphosis

Part 2: The amazing "coincidence" about PTSD and Vets, the incredible end results and the effect the experience had on the practitioners and support staff

To view a trailer of this extraordinary Eric Huurre documentary or purchase the DVDs, visit
"Operation Emotional Freedom: The Answer"


Hot Flash 2 - Read about the latest additions to Pro EFT's "Project Helping Hand"; "Project Peaceful Pregnancy" has been launched to help women overcome the many fears and anxiety about pregnancy...of which there are MANY. Please read about it and register to participate now.


Also, Project Women's Health, is looking for more participants, also at no cost to you. This project helps women overcome their fears of medical procedures through tapping. Visit their website or read this brochure about the amazing pro-bono work they are doing.


Read about ALL 6 of our pro-bono Community Service Projects and let your friends and family know about them at Again, there is no cost to participate in any of these valuable programs. They are offered by the time and energy donations of our expert Pro EFT practitioners.


Please forward this information to anyone you know who might
be interested. Some of the projects have already begun and
some are about to start. So d
on't wait!
Register for them now.


Hot Flash 3 - The first offering of my Ultimate Personal Transformation Program is now complete and was a huge success! It was exhilarating and fulfilling for all! Naturally, I'm rearing to do another one. Read what former participants have written about their results.
Or register at Ultimate Personal Transformation Program


In this unique UPT program I'll be accepting only 10 clients, for 10 sessions, during 10 weeks and offering them 10 bonus gifts. It's all in keeping with my Power of 10's theme. :-) The UPT program is worth over $2700, but the tuition is only $1599. And the experience will be priceless. Read more at Ultimate Personal Transformation Program


I'm also offering a cost-saving "mini-UPT Program as well... 4-weeks, 4-sessions, for $599, plus $500 in bonus material. Many of you have spent more money on therapists this quarter than the cost of this entire program. If you're ready to shed your past baggage and make some serious life improvements, then this is the ideal program for you. Read about and register for the UPT program now including the 2-payment option and the mini-UPT Program


Good Luck and Good Tapping,


PS Remember to read about all of our nationwide community projects at


*Note: FYI, The reason newsletter publishers and other e-mailers spell F*R*E*E this and other odd ways is that spam filters kick out e-mails with the word F-R-E-E in it (spelled without dashes or asterisks.).

Other Tapping Resources

  • Register NOW for our Level 3, Ultimate Practitioners Workshop, Oct. 29-31. This course will count toward EFT certification and Pro EFT certification!
  • There's time to qualify for our Pro-ER / Pro-EFT certification class next year. But you need to start the process now. Read about our Levels 1, 2 and 3 workshops in September at
  • Visit Lindsay's Media Page for interviews, audios, videos and more, including Lindsay's radio interview about parents of special needs children.
  • For a list wealth of tapping teleclass audios on many common issues, books and more, visit our Products page.
  • Check out our FAQ's page and the Free Stuff page for a wealth of Free downloads, articles, links and audios
  • Become an LK Coaching Affiliate and earn money!