If you have not already taken advantage of our
Free Starter Package, download it here:
This package includes a wealth of valuable, FREE, Pro EFT material;
a workbook, videos, audios and more!EFT "NEWBIE" INFORMATION
We have SO much FREE information to help you learn more about EFT,
Pro EFT™ and Tapping. Here are some valuable places to visit on our site:
The best and fastest way to learn how to tap is our live EFT Workshops or watching our Level 1 and 2 Webinar recordings Check out our Workshops page for upcoming workshops and events
Visit our Free Stuff page There's a wealth of information there about tapping ... including our FREE Reversals video (a must for everyone using EFT,) plus audios, videos, articles and more. All FREE!
Read some of the amazing testimonials about EFT and Pro EFT™
Find an affordable Apprentice (all are Level 3 Pro EFT™ Graduates) to help you tap, or a Certified Pro EFT Practitioner, all trained personally by Lindsay Kenny.
Consider our Basic Tapping Teleclass recordings set up especially for beginners. And they are now at in incredibly affordable price!
Visit our EFT Products Page for even more learning opportunities
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Compassionate Life Coaching Since 1980