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We hope you have already taken advantage of our Free Starter Package. If not, you may download it here:
As a great next step, we recommend our 6-Part Starter Package. These clear and precise teleclass audios will help get you started with a bang. We cover Basic Tapping, Reversals, Cravings, Finding Core Issues, Guilt and Shame, and Transforming Low Self-esteem into Confidence.
Purchase the 6-part Series for only $139 (a $35 savings) and receive the popular Bundling Baggage Technique, and Playing to Win audios Free! Total Retail Value $224!
Click on the above button for all 6 of the following teleclassesOr purchase each teleclass audio separately below for $29 each
___________________________Check out Lindsay's downloadable teleclass audios below on common issues or challenging subjects
Basics and Accelerated Tapping
$29 on sale for $11
Quickly learn the basics of tapping plus progressive tapping tips that will accelerate your success. Buy the audio and get a FREE online video of this process!
____________________________Reversals. How to identify them and neutralize them.
$29 on sale for $11
Polarity Reversals are perhaps the biggest obstacle that can block tapping from working. This is not the same as the Psychological Reversal discussed in the EFT Basic Manual. There are 2 different kinds of Reversals which can be huge impediments to effective tapping. Buy the audio and get a FREE online video and e-Book of this process!Reversal Neutralization --
There are two types of Reversals that can prohibit tapping from working efficiently. Knowing how to identify and neutralize them can substantially increase one's effectiveness. The most common Reversal is the Secondary Benefit Syndrome (SBS) which can stop tapping in its tracks. It really just a subconscious resistance to change and we all experience this frequently in our lives.
The second, less common type of Reversal, is the General Polarity Reversal (GPR.) This little e-Book teaches both Reversal types, which helps even new students get MUCH better results with tapping.
Cravings, Addictions, and Obsessions
$29 on sale for $11
When any normal activity becomes obsessive and negatively affects your life or that of your family, then it needs to be dealt with. Often food or other obsessions fill a "hole in your soul"...temporarily.
____________________________Finding and Dealing with Core Issues
$29 on sale for $11
One of the most important tenets of tapping is to find the cause of your problem or symptom. Until you do your tapping will seem ineffective. Yet finding the core issue is not always simple. It's often hidden under layers of other junk. Learn how to get the bottom of issues in this class.
____________________________Eradicating Guilt and Shame
$29 on sale for $11
Often victims feel it's their fault, particularly children of an impressionable age. They blame themselves if their parents fight, or if they are physically or emotionally abused, or for hundreds of other non-valid reasons. Even as adults we often go from complete unaccountability to total shame, blame and guilt. We'll help you turn eradicate those negative emotions and behaviors.
____________________________Transforming Low Self-Esteem into Unshakable Self-Confidence
$29 on sale for $11
It's a tragedy that people suffer from low self-confidence, yet millions of people do. In this class you'll learn how to identify the cause of your lack of confidence and turn it into self love, respect and confidence.
click on the above button to purchase all 6 of the
Starter Package teleclass audios - retail value $224
On Sale for $66
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