We invite you join Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master, for an extraordinary weekend of Tapping, Transformation and Fun.
This truly unique course is about clearing your past and paving the way for your phenomenal future. We'll be taking you inside of some of Pro EFT™'s most powerful transformational techniques in a way that's never been done before in a public forum. Our intention is to help you completely clean up your past and redefine your future. Learn how to live your life by design rather than by default.
I'm very excited about doing this specialty workshop and want YOU to experience the lasting freedom, joy and peace of mind it can generate. That may sound impossible, but I assure you it's not. You CAN feel that way and you DESERVE it.
'Merry' Smith
If the above embedded video link isn't working for you, use this direct link:
http://youtu.be/p3YEMeDdKtE"Lindsay! I was just thinking about how MUCH I loved being a part of your weekend!! I really thought it was a home run!!! It was just magnificent! Your crowning creation!!! You GO girl!!!! Big time!!!!! I haven't had such a wonderful time in many years! So restorative, fun, alive!!!!" ("Merry-Mary Smith is a Level 3 graduate who has attended ALL of our workshops and assisted in many of them.)
Watch more of these short, inspirational testimonials from those who attended last year's Tapathon!
During this energy-charged weekend we will Tap with participants individually, in small, personal groups and with the whole classroom. We'll help you completely neutralize past troubling events, circumstances and experiences that keep you trapped. And we'll help you to eliminate the fears and limiting beliefs that keep you from moving forward.We're able to achieve all this with our powerful, proven Transformational Trio™ techniques.
They help you clean up your past and achieve the promise of your potential in
your personal life and your prosperity.These unique and exclusive Pro EFT™ processes consist of:
Even if you are familiar with these powerful techniques, you won't have experienced them in the context with which we will be using them. Together, this Transformational Trio™ is astonishingly effective...even if you've worked on your issues before.
One of the challenges with traditional EFT is that many people never really clear their past "baggage." They tap and start feeling better but other aspects keep showing up. The process becomes tedious, people get confused about what to do next, and so they never quite get to where they want to be. Now, feeling better is good, but it's not the ultimate goal. But what you really need is total resolution of your issues to experience true peace of mind. You deserve to feel AWESOME, PEACEFUL and PROSPEROUS... and this weekend will help you realize that. Too much to expect? We don't think so, because we know it works!
Seating is limiting for this special event so
YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER TO SECURE YOUR SEAT AND ATTEND!Registration: We normally charge over $300 for a 2-day workshop. But, because this is an extraordinary course, we want to keep the price low to encourage everyone to attend. So we're holding the price down to only $225. And we know your happiness and peace of mind are worth that.
(this amount will show as LK Enterprises on your credit card statement)
For Pro EFT™ Practitioners only: If you are a Pro EFT™ Practitioner (Level 3 or greater,)
or if you are registered for an upcoming Level 3 or Practitioners Intensive, you can
use this Practitioner-Only link and enroll in the Tapathon for $185!
(Please provide the dates of your Pro EFT™ Level 3 course in the comments
section of the shopping cart section during the checkout process.)_____________________________________________
Can't attend the workshop in person?
Then we have GREAT news for you!We are very excited to announce, for the first time, a wonderful option of a LIVE STREAMING video, coming to your home directly from our workshop! You will be able to join us live, via the internet (if you have a fast connection), from your computer or mobile device!
You can participate almost as if you were with us in the classroom
(you need to have fast internet speed and a good Broadband connection)
Feb 22-23rd, 9am - 6pm
(The class will be recorded and available online if you can't participate live)The cost for the live streaming and/or the recorded replays afterwards was only $187. However, it has now been permanently reduced to $157! This Streaming Live purchase option is NOT available
the day of the event (for technical reasons.) So you must enroll for this option
by noon, Pacific Time (3 PM Eastern) Friday, Feb. 21st
$187new lower price > $157
Feb 22-23rd, 9am - 6pm PT (12pm EST)
(available by recording if you can't watch it live)
Registration for the Streaming Live Option is only available only until noon, Feb. 21st, PSTRead below for some important things you need to know about this option...
Click here to return to the in-person workshop registration
Important information about the Live Streaming option:
> Video streaming from an experiential workshop is not as good as being there live. However, it's far better than not being able to participate at all. You will be able to see Lindsay and others in the class, see the PowerPoint slides and even interact with the live class (see below.)> The quality of the broadcast will depend upon the speed and capacity of your computer and internet connection. So we will not be able to troubleshoot computer or broadband problems with you. However, by registering for the live event you will have access, via a private code to video recordings, online, of each module of the workshop. So even if the live connection doesn't work well for you, you can still watch the videos online any time.
> Normally, with live streaming there's no way to ask questions of the facilitator like those participating in the in-person live class. However, we will have a producer monitoring emails which will allow you to ask questions (during the live streaming only.)
> To get the maximum benefit from the material you will be learning, you will need to practice tapping with others who are going through the same processes. That usually isn't available if you're watching this at home alone....or is it? However (notice how there's always good news with the 'bad'?)... we are working on a tapping buddies program where you can tap with other "virtual classmates" who will be attending online or by recording. Assuming we can pull this together, you may be able to contact others from the class and practice with them after hours or after the workshop is over. We will keep you posted on that.
The cost for the live streaming and/or the recorded replays afterwards is only $157. However, this option is NOT available the day of the event. It must be purchased by noon, Pacific Time ( 3 PM Eastern) Friday, Feb. 21st
$187new lower price > $157 for the Streaming Video Option
Feb 22-23rd, 9am - 6pm PT (12pm EST)
Available only until Feb. 21st, noon, Pacific TimeLog-in directions, how to access the recordings afterward and other information about
the streaming option will be provided after you register.Click here to return to the in-person workshop registration
Still not sure? Here are more testimonials for you about taking this workshop...
Whitney Demorest
If the above embedded video link isn't working for you, use this direct link:
http://youtu.be/BVQ5gdP6duMRead or watch more testimonials
Return to Registration
In this workshop we're going to help you tackle and eradicate whatever is left of your issues, in a way you
have never before experienced. You will learn new tapping skills and techniques that will really amaze you. They are powerful, exciting, fun-to-use and highly effective!
But here's the catch; your transformation could happen so quickly and easily that you may not be able to grasp it at first (which is actually part of the fun!)
This is an interactive, experiential, uplifting course... so come prepared to roll up your sleeves and work. Then we'll have fun... then work some more...then have more fun. And you'll be doing all of that while you are transforming like a caterpillar to a butterfly ...comfortably and safely.
We'll be tapping as a big group, as well as smaller groups or in dyads (two people). Several of our hand-picked advanced Pro EFT™ practitioners or Pro EFT™ Masters will be on hand to work with you and support you as well.
This is your opportunity to do something about your life today and your future tomorrow. You deserve to experience the life you want to live, not the one you feel stuck with.
Return to Registration Information
In order to participate in this two-day event you need to have a solid foundational knowledge of tapping. This class is NOT about
teaching you to tap. We need to assume that you already
know how to do that. What this course IS about is
helping you clean up your past and redesign
an ideal future for yourself!If you are new to tapping, please click here to learn
how to catch up before this course.
Still not sure? Here's the (simple-version) of our formula for personal transformation, peace, happiness and prosperity we will be using in the class:
- Completely clean up your past - neutralize EVERY bad thing that's EVER happened to you: Trauma, losses, deaths, divorces, betrayals and more. Yes, everything! Our past can prohibit us from truly enjoying our present while causing us to fear our future. Truly eradicating our past hardships is essential in order to move forward with ease.
(As you know, accomplishing the above is not always easy. But in the workshop we'll show you how to do it so quickly and easily you may not be able to grasp it at first.)
- Let go and release ALL of your past mistakes, failures, screw-ups and disappointments. Annihilate the guilt, shame, regret and remorse for every regrettable thing you've ever done, thought or said.
(As you know, accomplishing all of that and forgiving yourself is not always easy. But guess what? In the workshop we'll show you how to wipe your slate clean of guilt, shame and regret, so easily you may not be able to believe it.)
- Describe and create your life exactly as you would like it to be 1, 5 or even 10 years in the future. And...be able to experience it now, as if it's your reality today!
This is an amazing way to feel and I live it every day. I want to give YOU the unique key to the door of prosperity and freedom.
(In the workshops we'll show you how to lay out your future so quickly and easily that you may not be able to absorb it right away. But you WILL.)
Are you seeing a pattern here? If it sounds impossible, like hyperbole, or too hard, I promise you it's not. I can assure you this is all very achievable since I've used it for my own happiness and success and have taught it to hundreds of my clients and students. Now it's time for everyone to experience this incredible transformation.
In this two-day Transformational Tapathon™ we're going to teach you the skills and tools necessary to make all of the above possible. And you will continue to have these tools available forever to help keep you on track. We expect most our participants to leave this workshop with all of the above formula completely accomplished. Everyone else will have have access to the tools, resources and support to finish what they started in class.
This could truly be a life-altering event for you, if you take advantage of it now. I'm making it very affordable and easy to do. The only catch is that seating will be limited to 75 participants! So it must be first come, first served.
Forgive these old, but poignant reminders but truly: "Nothing changes...if nothing changes." For things to change YOU have to change. Because, if you keep doing the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results. I know you've probably heard all of that before, but have you changed yet? Are you truly living the life you want to live? If not, then let's get you out of the past and into the BLISS you deserve now.
Seating is limiting for this special event and we expect it to be sold out quickly
Return to Registration Information
Venue and Accommodations: This event will be held at the stunning Acqua Hotel in peaceful Mill Valley, CA... only 8 minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge. This elegant, boutique hotel is conveniently located on the San Francisco Bay complete with the backdrop of beautiful Mt. Tamalpais. Hotel guests enjoy a free breakfast, free parking, free wifi, free wine-and-cheese cocktail hour, fitness center, bay-view rooms, bicycles and more.
Phone: 415-380-0400We recommend that participants stay at the hotel for our events and we have negotiated a lower rate for you beginning at $142, with breakfast included. More logistical information will be provided after registration.
The hotel includes the following amenities: Read more about the Acqua and registration by downloading this pdf document
- Full American Breakfast Buffet (6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
- Morning Espresso Bar
- All-Day Tea Bar
- Free business center
- Evening Wine Reception
- Hike, Bike, Walk Bay Trail
- Complimentary Trail Bikes
- Complimentary Parking
- WiFi Internet Services
- Tranquil Experience
- Free parking
Return to Registration Information
Q. What does a "Foundational Knowledge" of Tapping include?
A. This means you not only need to know HOW to tap but need to have done it successfully on yourself or others. Just knowing the tapping points isn't enough to be successful in this class. If you are really 'green' to tapping you might feel a bit left behind in this course. So find a good Pro EFT™ Master or practitioner www.ProEFT.com/practitioners.html or take our recorded Level 1 (and/or Level 2) webclasses before attending.Q. What if I don't have previous tapping experience?
A. As explained in the answer above you really do need to know the basics of tapping. There are several resources on this site to get the basics.
Q. Do you offer CEU's or CE's for this 2-day course?
A. Yes, 16 CEU's or CE's for RN's, LCSW's and MFT's. If you're from another state, see if your local board will accept our service provider status. We've had it for over 8 years.
Q. What if I register and can't make it?
A. Then I'll refund your tuition.But, you can also opt for the Live Streaming option.Q. If I can't come Saturday, can I come only Sunday, if I have a lot of EFT experience?
A. Sorry, but no. We will be building Sunday on the work we do on Saturday. So you cannot attend only Sunday!Q. Does the hotel offer a special room rate for this class?
A. Yes, but because this is a busy weekend in the Bay Area, the rates are relatively high. Just contact the Acqua Hotel, shown above and ask for the rate for the Pro EFT™ TapathonQ. What are the events on Saturday night and are they mandatory?
A. The optional events on Saturday night...and possibly Sunday night, will be presented by our Pro EFT™ Level 3 and Certified Practitioners or Pro EFT™ Masters. They will be choosing their topics later. There may be a small fee to attend those events.Q. Can I bring a friend or spouse for a discount?
A. Yes, please do bring a friend or spouse (but register them first!!) However, since this course is already highly discounted, we cannot offer further discounts.Q. How do I get there and where do I stay?
A. All logistical questions will be addressed once you are registered. However, you are welcome to call the hotel beforehand if you have any questions about their accommodations. 415-380-0400 Or return to the Venue Information above
Return to Registration Information
Compassionate Coaching Since 1980