Answers to FAQs About EFT
and Tapping (Continued)Return to the FAQs page
Q. Why do I have to say negative statements? (Continued)
If you started with a positive affirmation instead, such as, “Even though I was just robbed and beaten, that’s OK, I feel safe and secure now,” your system would surely rebel. There would be a giant “tail ender” saying, “What?! Are you kidding me? I don’t feel secure or safe at all!”
Believe me, many have tried this approach to no avail. It’s true that when we tell ourselves, “It’s OK, I’ll be alright,” we can sometimes calm ourselves down. But calming ourselves is not the purpose of EFT. With tapping are point is to completely eliminate the negative emotion, pain or issue. That said, once the intensity is at an 8 or less you can start using the Golden Gate technique. It allows an easy transition from the negative to positive statements. Read more about the Golden Gate technique on our Product Catalog page.
Q. Why do people use different tapping points? (Continued)
The below chart doesn’t delineate which emotions are connected to specific meridians, because it's best to tap on all of them. The combined effect of bilateral tapping, using all the meridians, produces more effective results. Even though you can resolve issues tapping on the 9 meridians by using the ‘short cut’, you’ll get faster, longer-lasting results by using all of the meridians. T
here are really no right or wrong points.
Here’s an example why:
Stress, anxiety, grief, sadness and anger are on the three wrist meridians. As you can see, these are very important emotions to cover, however those are not used in basic EFT.
That’s not a bad thing, because you can still stimulate the fingertip meridians by using the inside of both wrists and by tapping with three or four fingers during the rounds, instead of two. If you only tapped on individual meridians for applicable emotions, you would not likely get complete resolution because many issues have “companion emotions.” For instance, anger is often accompanied by frustration, resentment or other emotions. So if you only tapped on the anger meridian you'd miss other important aspects on the emotional scale.
Q. How do you deal with relationship challenges by tapping? (Continued)
Many times someone brings their hurt from past relationships into the new one, punishing the “innocent” new partner for sins from the old partner. That is usually the cause for their friction, not the current relationship.
First I work with each person individually, neutralizing any traumas or “emotional” charges from the past. I deal with the cause for the strife that results in anger, resentment, frustration, etc. Most people see significant positive change after the first session. Once each person is "clean," I then bring them together for some couples counseling.
I actually use a process I developed a few years ago that works magic for contentious relationships called Relationship Remedy. Read more about it on the Pro EFT Processes page
Q. Can tapping be used on children, the infirm or pets? (Continued)
When people first find out about Animal EFT, they immediately think that it is about tapping ON animals and ask where they should tap their animals. It works the same as with surrogate tapping on people. Therefore the below protocol applies whether it’s a child, an infirm person or someone in another country.
Of course animals do have a meridian system, but many of the points are in places where animals truly do not like to be touched, never mind tapped. The wonderful thing about Animal EFT is that you DON'T tap on the animal directly, but you tap on yourself to make the changes happen.
This is called Surrogate tapping and has lots of advantages:
How does Surrogate tapping work?
When you focus your attention on an animal, you connect your energy system with theirs. When you keep the focus of your attention on a specific aspect of that energy system (a problem, disease, behavior, state of mind and so on) and you change YOUR system by tapping on the points, YOU ARE ALSO CHANGING THEIRS through the connection.
This was originally discovered when a lady, distraught because she was sitting by the side of her premature baby's incubator and unable to touch him, treated herself for the baby's problems and the baby responded by breathing more easily and slower, and finding from somewhere the will to live and to fight on more strongly than before.
Since then, thousands of people all over the world have been absolutely astonished to find that by tapping on themselves while holding another living being's problems in their mind, they can make changes without touching them or even being in the same room.
I don't expect you to believe this right away. I didn't believe it either when I first heard about it. But I tell you, when you neighbor's dog 100 yards away stops barking after an hour just because you have tapped a round of EFT on yourself, a shiver goes down your spine and you KNOW you made that happen as if by magic, it is a real convincing experience.
Q. How long do I have to tap to get results? (Continued)
Traditional therapy could take months or years to resolve the same problem. We often get spoiled with “one-minute-miracles” and get impatient when something is taking too long. But we must keep it in perspective and realize that even the most difficult or complex cases can be resolved to completion in a fraction of the time any other therapy might hope to offer.
Patience and Persistence are the keys to successfully resolving challenges issues. Time should not be a factor.I want to point out that it’s also important to make sure an issue is completely resolved before leaving it. Some people say, “Gee, I feel better now,” and stop at that. Later when they feel a negative charge again about the same issue, they will think that EFT didn’t work. I hate it when that happens! If you truly get all of the aspects resolved and get an issue to a zero on the SUDs scale, then it’s likely gone for good.
That’s not to say that at some point an aspect that was missed might not pop up for you. But resolving that should be very easy, since the bigger components have already been collapsed. So, stay with it until you’re sure an issue is completely resolved. Test yourself by trying to get upset about it again. If you just can’t find a charge, then you’re likely done. That’s how long it takes.
Q. Why is it important to know my SUDs level and what does SUDs stand for? (Continued)
Conversely, if your number hasn't’t changed after a couple of rounds, you know you’re missing something, and will need to make some changes (see the “ 9 Stumbling Blocks of Tapping” to give you direction). Likewise, if you get down to a 2, you know you’re close, but not quite finished. You want to keep going until you can say for certain that you’re at a zero.
It’s important to remember that the objective of tapping isn't just to “feel better” (although that’s certainly nice). The ultimate goal is to realize a complete cessation of a negative emotion or issue. So don’t stop just because you start to “feel better.” Keep tapping until you’re feeling great and the issue has been completely put to rest. If you truly get to a zero on the event, issue, pain or whatever, it’s unlikely it will return. To make sure that you’ve really neutralized problem, test yourself by trying to get upset. Revisit the issue, even the formally painful aspects and see if the intensity rises at all. If it does, you still have some work left to do.
If the event, pain or issue seems "fuzzy" (hard to remember or difficult to grasp) and there’s no “charge” left, then you are likely done. When my clients get to a zero, I ask them how they know that. Often it’s the cessation of a physical manifestation, such as tightness in the shoulders or neck, or an upset stomach. Or, they might feel profound relaxation, feel lighter and experience renewed energy or peace of mind. I love using the SUDs rating and check it several times (usually after every 2 rounds of tapping) in the course of eliminating an issue.
Q. What if I don't know my intensity level? (Continued)
While many people come up with their SUDs level right away, many others struggle with this little aspect of tapping. I ask clients to guess what their number would be. Try saying this sentence out loud rather fast, without pausing at the end. Just say what comes to you. “Even though I don’t know what my intensity level is, if I had to guess I’d say it was at a.....”
This simple little trick bypasses the conscious mind and allows the subconscious to provide the answer. Good practitioners generally know where someone stands as they talk about their issues. So, if a client’s number is far off from the estimate of the practitioner, he or she would have occasion to question the client’s answer. When working with yourself, however, you can only guess and do your best. Chances are, if you don’t analyze it too much and just go with your gut feeling, you’ll be just fine. As stated in the above question, it's important to get the SUDs rating so you’ll know where you are and where you need to go.
Q. How do I deal with an intangible issue or get a SUDs rating on it? (Continued)
Here’s how you can use this interesting and effective tool: Develop a sentence that would represent the most positive outcome you would like to achieve. For instance, if you have a problem with procrastination, use an Ultimate Truth Statement of, “I always complete tasks in a timely manner, never putting things off, and always keep commitments with myself and others.”
Find out more about the Ultimate Truth Statement on our Pro EFT Processes page.
Q. Does Tapping work for…? (whatever) (Continued)
We know EFT and Pro EFT can bring miraculous results to virtually anything…especially in the hands of an accomplished practitioner. And since tapping has never been known to harm anyone, it’s painless, and it works when nothing else has, go ahead and try it on your issue. I’ve used it on everything from corns to cancer, and from hiccups to hypertension.
In experienced hands, EFT delivers significant relief over 90% of the time (the medical profession would love to have those results). Many cases, however, especially if complex, require more than just applying the basic sequence. So, if you’ve already tried EFT and aren’t getting the results you want, it’s unlikely any shortcoming of EFT, but rather that you’re missing some important element. Virtually all complex issues should be dealt with by a competent Practitioner.
There is an art to EFT that goes far beyond what you can learn a manual or even by watching all the wonderful videos that only comes with experience and practice. For instance, there are several obstacles that can impede EFT’s progress. I suggest you learn our 12 Tips for more Effective Tapping which you can purchase affordably on the Pro EFT Processes page.
Q. What’s the best way to learn meridian tapping? (Continued)
Q. I’ve tried EFT, but it’s just not working for ME. What now? (Continued)
As wonderful as EFT and Pro EFT are, there are several impediments that can get in the way of your success. For one, beginners should only try using EFT on “simple” issues, leaving more complex problems to experienced practitioners.
Please read my eBook on the 12 Tips for More Effective Tapping. In the eBook be sure to read about Reversals. THE biggest reason for EFT not working. If, after reading the eBook you are still having problems, you may need assistance from a skilled Practitioner. The article explains why that is true. Sometimes, even we experienced practitioners need the eyes, ears and intuition of others to get to the heart of the matter -- especially for complex issues.
Q. What’s the difference between Simple and Complex issues? (Continued)
I believe there are Two Tiers of complex issues, which almost always involve more than one aspect. Tier one issues include things like grief, chronic pain, “minor” traumas, allergies, some abuse issues, weight issues, food addictions, stuttering and most non life-threatening illnesses. Many of the examples used in my 9 Stumbling Blocks article (available on the Free Stuff page) are examples of Tier 1 complex issues. Some of these you can work on yourself. If you’re not getting a resolution, you should contact a practitioner.
The second, or more-difficult-to-work-with, Tier 2, includes child abuse, sexual or ritual abuse, traumatic or life-altering accidents or deaths, severe and sustained physical or emotional abuse, drug addictions, morbid obesity and so on. Tier two complex issues are usually highly charged emotionally or, often, a result of very traumatic occurrences. Also included in these more difficult cases would be psychological problems such as bi-polar, schizophrenia, multiple personalities, serious illnesses and so on.
Here’s what’s important to remember: Most simple issues can be handled by anyone, including yourself. Complex issues, especially Tier 2, need to be dealt with by an experienced practitioner.
Q. What words and phrases do I use? (Continued)
To learn about doing set-up phrases, and what’s important about them, read my article on the 9 Stumbling Blocks of EFT, which is downloadable at my Free Stuff page. Being specific, finding the core issue and getting rid of Reversals are imperative to successful Tapping.
Here are some examples of set-up statements. Remember, being specific is important.
"Even though I have this fear of speaking to groups over 5, I deeply and completely accept myself."
“Even though a part of me doesn’t want to forgive my mother for hurting my feelings at Christmas, I accept who I am without judgment.”
"Even though I have this sinus headache above my eyes, I deeply love and accept who I am."
"I deeply and completely accept myself, even though I have anger towards my father for yelling at me last night."
"Even though I have this stiffness on the right side of my neck, I completely accept myself and love my body."
"I deeply accept myself unconditionally, even though I have a killer craving for chocolate right now."
"Even though I have this fear of snakes, I love and accept myself anyway."
"I deeply and profoundly accept myself, even though I’m really sad over my breakup with ________.”
Q. How many sessions will it take to deal with my issue? (Continued)
One lady, for instance, called me because she was "stuck" at work and couldn't seem to get the recognition she wanted. That seemed, on the surface, like a relatively easy matter to be dispensed with quickly. As it turned out, however, there was a considerable physical trauma in her life that had to be dealt with, the suicide of a family member, an eating disorder and much more. And while "Ann" didn't think any of those things contributed to her problems at work, they were actually critical to her success (or lack thereof).
So the answer to this question is, "It depends." However long it takes will be considerably less than traditional therapies of any kind, and likely be much more effective. The better the practitioner, the less time it will likely take.
Q. How can I learn enough about EFT or Pro EFT to become a practitioner? (Continued)
Read our Steps to “Becoming a Practitioner” on our Certification Page.
Q. Will prescription medications interfere with tapping? (Continued)
...Tapping and antidepressants may be fine for you. Ideally you could use EFT to eliminate the depression, and have your doctor help you ween you off your meds. But it's not always simple to tap for depression or anxiety (or any complex issue) on your own, even if you're a skilled practitioner.
If you're not getting results with tapping, at all, then it could be the meds you're taking. If you're getting results on some issues but not others, your problem is not likely GPR, so look at all of the other possibilities. Read about my 12 Tips for More Effective Tapping
Please remember, however, that EFT doesn't do everything for everyone. Some problems seem to reappear and that is usually caused by different aspects of the original problem showing up at a later time. The experienced student of EFT will recognize this and simply reapply The Basic Recipe for this new aspect.
My experience is that if a problem crops back up a related aspect might have been missed originally. Also, if an issue wasn't’ taken all the way to a zero, you might see a reoccurrence. That’s why it’s important to get every issue to a zero. And you can test that with probing questions or actually trying to get yourself upset again. If the intensity goes up, you’ll know there’s still more work to do…often on a different aspect. For more information on that read my 9 Stumbling Blocks of EFTon the Free Stuff page.
Q. How does EFT handle emotional problems that are very intense and/or have been with a person for a very long time? (Continued)
“Old” issues (more than a couple of months,) or chronic issues may be ingrained in the body’s memory or subconsciously the body wants to hang on to the problem. This is what I call a Reversal or Subonscious Resistance to Change. If a reversal is present and it is with 98% of older or complex issues, you’ll need to neutralize it before Tapping will work. To learn how to do that with my Reversals Package
This question usually comes about because of the belief that intense and/or long resident problems are more "deeply ingrained" than other problems. Therefore it should take more effort to relieve them. This seems very logical when viewed through conventional approaches, because traditional methods don't always address the true cause (or core issue, as we say.)
Conventional therapies tend to take aim at one's memories or other mental processes and ignore the energy system (where the true cause lies). When slow progress is being made it is convenient to blame the problem because it is presumed to be "deeply ingrained" or otherwise difficult to deal with. In this manner, conventional approaches can...and do...explain away ineffective results.
When EFT requires persistence it is NOT because of the intensity or resident length of a problem. It is usually because of a problem's complexity. Complexity, to EFT, means the existence of several aspects to a problem each of which must be relieved before total relief is felt. The notion of aspects is covered repeatedly in my manual, the videos and the audios.
Note: The above comments may or may not apply to serious mental illness. The application of EFT to such disorders has proven helpful but it should only be applied by a professional skilled in this area.
Q. How does EFT deal with one's need to understand their problem or belief about whether EFT will work? (Continued)
A. Seldom do people really understand the problem or from where it stems. Someone may say they have a problem with clutter, so they try to work on cleaning out there house. But clutter (or procrastation, or weight or addictions, etc.) are only the symptom. The client doesn't need to understand that at first. What we do as practitioners if finding the underlying cause of the "symptom" or issue. 95% of the time our problems begin in childhood and the messages we learned in those formative years. Our beliefs of "I'm not OK", Something's wrong with me", "I'm not safe", " I'm not good enough" and more are the cause of most of our adult problems. Yes, really. The good news is it's relatively easy to fix those core issues, or limiting beliefs with our Bundling Baggage Technique. Find out how to learn more about this most extraordinary technique at this link.
Furthermore, people don’t have to ‘believe’ in tapping in order for it to work. In fact, some of my biggest successes, and now advocates, are those who were the biggest skeptics in the beginning.
Q. How does EFT deal with stress and anxiety? (Continued)
Stress and anxiety tend to be ongoing problems because the circumstances that create them are ongoing. An abusive family situation or a stressful job environment are but two of a long list of possibilities. EFT does not do away with the circumstances, of course, but it is an important aid to reducing your anxious responses. In most cases, Tapping will need to be used persistently (most likely daily) if the stressful circumstances tend to show up every day.
After a while, you should notice that your responses to difficult events is much calmer. Things just don't get to you like they used to. You smile more. Your health improves and life seems easier.
Q. How does Tapping help with sports performance? (Continued)
Everyone, including athletes, has their share of negative thoughts and self doubt. By now you are quite familiar with the fact that those negative states of mind disrupt the body's energy system and cause negative emotions. These negative emotions show up in the body in a variety of ways (pounding heart, tears, sweat, etc.) and this includes some tension in the muscles.
In athletics, timing is everything and even the slightest tension in the muscles affects it. Hitting a baseball, tennis ball or golf ball requires perfect timing and being off by just 1/8 of an inch is the difference between hitting a home run and flying out…or...hitting a killer serve or one that hits the net…or...making or missing a putt. And so it goes.
Tapping provides a remarkably effective solution to this problem. EFT helps to neutralize negative emotions and their effects. It also helps to reduce or eliminate the fear of failure, fear of being humiliated by messing up or fear of being criticized. All are big issues with athletes. It's difficult to hit a clean shot or make a putt or whatever, if you're anticipating failure. Tapping helps to eliminate those fears, replacing them with confidence and certainty.
One of the most common responses to tapping is that people feel relaxed, which is another way of saying that the tension has left their muscles. This is ideal for the athlete because it neutralizes any unnecessary emotional tension in the muscles without affecting the rest of their athletic ability. It allows their potential to flow through without being hindered by any resistance in the muscles.
If you have a question that wasn't answered above, e-mail us and we'll try to answer it. If it's a frequently asked one that we've just missed, we'll add it you our growing library of questions.
Q. Do you do sessions by phone and how can EFT work by phone? How do I set an appointment with Lindsay? Find out more on the Fees page (Continued)
EFT is actually highly effective over the phone, and only slightly less so than a face-to-face session. We can’t see the client on the phone, so we may miss subtle visual signals that might help reading what’s going on with the client. Nor we can we use muscle testing on the phone, which is often helpful in demonstrating Reversals and “asking the subconscious” questions about what’s going on and other situations. Otherwise, in-person and phone sessions are pretty much the same.
When you book an appointment, my assistant will send you instructions before your session, to help our time together be more efficient. That way you'll know what to expect and what's expected of you. You'll also receive an Intake Form, where you can detail your issues if you'd like.
I'll make the call to you, (within the Continental U.S.), saving you toll charges. I record the sessions and send you an audio so you can listen to your session later, if you'd like.
Phone sessions are at the same rates as office visits. Your fee must be paid in advance, however, by credit card. You can download the tapping points and instructions, in advance, on our Free Stuff page.
I live and work in the San Francisco Bay area and do sessions Monday – Thursday, 11 – 5 PST. Let my assistant know your preferences for times (i.e. mornings, or Tuesday only, etc.) and she'll do her best to accommodate you. Generally, we book appointments 2-3 weeks in advance, but we keep a waiting list in case a sooner time-slot opens up, which it frequently does.
If you would like to schedule a phone (or live) session with me, e-mail my assistant, Katherine, at You can also reach her by phone at 800-925-8506. Visit the Fees page for more information and the best arrangement for your needs.
If want to learn more about tapping or Pro EFT™, attend one of our workshops at
Q. Can you help me find a practitioner near me….?
A. Finding the right practitioner for your needs is very important. Virtually all experienced practitioners work by phone and get the same results as in a live session. So, unless you feel very strongly about a face-to-face visit, I highly recommend you search for the best person for your needs, rather than someone who works near you.
It is far more important to find an accomplished practitioner with whom you resonate than to find someone who is convenient. Find our Certified practitioners on the "Preferred Practitioners" page. You can also find affordable new practitioners on my Apprentices page or at and
When searching for a practitioner, it is a good idea to check out their website before calling them. Often you can find out a lot about them online. Remember, it is more important to find an accomplished practitioner with whom you resonate, than to find someone who is convenient logistically. Here are some things to look for:
Personally, I don’t think credentials such as a M.S., LCSW, or Ph.D. after someone’s name is nearly as important with tapping as their success in using EFT. After arming yourself with information about him or her, let your instincts tell you if you feel "right" with this person. You should have rapport (or a connection) with someone for the best results. Trust your gut feeling. Still uncertain? Check out some of my favorite Pro EFT™ Practitioners
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