Welcome to your Complimentary, Exclusive
Ultimate Pro EFT Ultimate Practitioners
Support Library

Hi, we hope you enjoyed the UPW workshop and will utilize this support library set up exclusively for our UPW graduates. It took many years to create this material and many weeks and months to compile it for you. It can save you hours and weeks of time and help catipult your practice by years. It can also help boost your effectiveness and confidence. You get to learn from our mistakes and benefit from our successes. We sincerely hope you take advantage of this site by using it often.

On this site you will find downloads, free teleclass audios, reference material, FAQ's, articles, links. and much more. I am willing to help you whenever I can, but please look for answers here first. Thanks for using this site created just for you.

You're welcome to use the articles and materials on this page, with your clients, IF you include this phrase "Reprinted with permission from Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master, www.ProEFT.com


This is a special page and service intended only for the
use of our UPW graduates!!!

Here are some of the links to the material on this page.


Links on this page for Marketing and Promotion:

On helping you become the Ultimate Practitioner:


Lindsay's version of the Personal Peace Procedure

Lindsay's Personal Power Process - 3 steps and 15 days to personal transformation. Great homework for clients.

Lindsay's "Getting Unstuck" Web-class recordings.

Tap Away Pain and Illness video series


Download these:
The Trauma Tree graphic
And Trauma Tree eBook






On Being Efficient and Effective:

Brochure Templates

Client Intake Forms

E-mail Responder Templates

Important Links for you

"Shorthand" Tips for taking client notes

Workshop materials and downloads

Downloads from above links

General Promotional / Marketing Tips and Links

  • If you don't have one, GET A WEBSITE. Even a basic one will serve you in SO many ways. It becomes your online brochure and allows your potential clients to get a sense of who you are. I have an excellent website designer. She really listens and does a great job:

Virginia Chatham (who may or may not still be doing individual websites)
BB Media Services
Phone: 415.459.5906

Latora Sydell (who may or may not still be doing individual websites)

My HIGHEST recommendation for computer repair: www.MyComputerWorks.com
(877) 629-6972 + 1 tech support - They charge a small monthly fee for unlimited computer service. Reliable, secure, efficient and effective...not to mention prompt!
Also at My Computer Works is Josh 480 991 9637 for website services

Here are some good computer software/repair people in the Bay Area:


Other Tips

  • Become an affiliate with any other practitioner that offers an affiliate program (I will be doing offering one soon myself) Carol Look's site is a good place to start
  • Write articles for online newsletters. This download will tell you how to do it so that you will get it accepted. You WILL get business from it AND build your own credibility! Writing articles was THE single most productive thing I've done to increase my income and exposure. And its FREE publicity!
  • Create an Elevator speech to explain what you do at social events...or in elevators
  • Do Pro-Bono work every month. This has two-fold benefits; 1) You're giving back to your community and 2) You'll get great practice and exposure (and most likely some clients)  Find an organization, church, school, clinic, rehab center, hospital or something that will welcome what you do. But tee it up so that you are considering THEM, amongst other candidates, to do pro-bono work for. Have them fill out an application as to why their organization should be accepted. You want them eager to have you do work for them, not having them feel like they are doing you a favor.
  • Give things away to your clients - Everyone loves getting things for free. I always have teleclasses, little booklets, articles or something I can e-mail clients to further their healing. These don't really cost you anything, yet can be priceless to the client. Many of the things on this page can be used (except my audios, please). Create or collect your own giveaways, such as audios on how do make the most of EFT, or other tips.
  • Create a support list of other trusted practitioners to refer your "unwanted" clients to. Give them 2 or 3 to choose from, so that it becomes their choice not yours. They then can't come back to you and say "But you told me to see her! Waa Waa!"
  • Go to others' EFT events and workshops- For one you'll learn something valuable at each one. And secondly you'll meet other practitioner, with which to network and share ideas... this is priceless.
  • Do mini-workshops - Get yourself out there! If you have to give it away, then give it away, but get in front of people. Groups are MUCH better, because the energy is infectious! And you're "preaching" to lots of people, not just one. Demonstrate EFT through muscle testing showing how negative emotions affect the body's energy system. Then do a demo or two on cravings, a headache or some other simple issue.

Marketing Audios

Listen to a recent interview of me done by Angela Treat Lyon on Marketing Tips
Angela is putting together a fabulous compilation of EFT marketing tips and tricks
from successful EFT Practitioners around the world. You can read the beautifully edited
transcripts as well as listen to the recorded interviews.

Below are some great audios recorded in 2005 by "The Three Mavens of Marketing" Angela Treat Lyon, Maryam Webster, and myself (Lindsay). For contractual and technical reasons, we could not sell or market these audios. However, there is a LOT of GREAT information in these audios, so I see no reason why I can't give them to you.

You won't have access to all of the material mentioned during the classes (especially the online "Campus" Maryam refers to -- it has been closed) however, you will still be able to glean much valuable marketing tips for yourself. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ANGELA TREAT LYON OR MARYAM WEBSTER ABOUT ANYTHING REGARDING THESE AUDIOS.  :-) Direct your questions or comments to me. And please do not pass these on to anyone else.

The first class: (intro)

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

More Marketing Related Stuff

Lindsay's Tips on Promoting Your Practice - Download these 4 pages on tips from a few top EFT marketers from around the world. Many of my tips are included as well.

mktg tipsMy friend Angela Treat Lyon has written a fabulous book on Tips on Marketing Your Energy Practice (which includes several of my tips). This is great supportive material for these audios. It's LOADED with great tips, advice, and information. This downloadable book is $19.95 and worth it. This is the only thing for sale on this otherwise FREE page, and it's not by me. :-)

purchase ATL book



< Lindsay's interview with Carol Look, (the premier authority) on Marketing Your Practice


Writing Articles for online newsletters Many newsletters go out to over a million alternative fans, every week! There are many advantages to being in newsletters (or other publications,) among which are: free publicity, name recognition, new clients, credibility, and more. This article will help you write material that is more likely to be accepted.


More tips and material to help you become an ULTIMATE Practitioner:

  • Watch Dr. Phil! Whether you like him or not, you can pick up some great techniques, phrasing and tips by watching how he deals with clients.

Below are some things you might want to download to use yourself or have available for your clients. Feel free to put these on your own website. :-)

Download this great little booklet, on "New Uses for EFT". This simple process will help you stay on track for everything! Thanks to Dr. Pat Carrington for making it FREE to us.

Lindsay's version of Gary's Personal Peace Procedure (I just added a few extra things) Give this to client's as homework at the end of their sessions.

LK articles on the 12 Tips for more Effective Tapping

The expanded version
The abbreviated list

Carol Tuttle's article on Marketing Your Practice Good, practical information

EFT Frequently Asked Questions Please feel free to refer people to our FAQ's page. It can save you SO much time and energy.

The Basic Recipe with pictures and simple Instructions, for clients -change the logo at the bottom of the second page and make this your own.

The ADVANCED Recipe with basic Choice Statements (for practitioners) and tie-in with the Golden Gate Technique

Golden Gate Technique - part of the Advanced Recipe

Zoe's Articles
Basic Human Needs

When needs are not met
Clearing Unwanted Energy
Homework for clients with Trauma

Brochure Templates - Below are several EFT brochures that you can use as templates to save you time: Pick your favorite, incorporate the best of both or do your own. But there's no need to start from scratch or take on an expensive project with a printer or designer. Frankly brochures are a bit antiquated these days with the internet. But they are handy at live events.

Lindsay's Brochure

Other templates:

Client Intake Form Template-Generic (make it your own, or modify mine or Zoe's below)

Lindsay's Application / Intake Form

Zoe's Intake Form

Sample appointment confirmation letters ( for phone sessions) - Modify these to your specs, of course, and change them for in-office appointments. Use this to pre-frame your appointment and to put the time and date in writing.

Lindsay's Confo Letter

Zoe's Confo letter - I like how she brings up homework assignments.

Tip: E-mail a confo letter to the client as soon as you set the appointment and have them send it right back to you. This gives you a "heads up" on what to expect from them, and may even tip you off to something you don't want to deal with.

Call-in Log: Use this to keep track of your incoming potential client calls or e-mails. This will help you stay organized and know whom you've called and who you haven't yet reached, etc. You might remember who called you today and what you talked about. But three weeks from now when they call back and say "I talked to you last month, remember?" you'll have a reference. :-)

E-mail Responder Templates - Use these when you start getting busy and get lots of e-mails (and you WILL) Many e-mails are asking the same questions. Copying and pasting these into your responses can save you tons of time. But these are my answers, be sure to change these to match your fees and other personal information.

Here are some important links for you to have...

www.Lulu.com for "Print on Demand" services. Get your books, CDs or whatever printed only as needed by LULU. They print them, bill your customer, mail them out and send you a monthly check. It's SO cool and affordable.

Audio Acrobat to set up your account to digitally record your telephone sessions, podcasting and more. It's VERY easy to do, so don't freak out. :-) Here's the link spelled out http://LK1.AudioAcrobat.com

1Automation Wiz.com for setting up a shopping cart, starting and growing your mailing list, etc.

Conference Calling Bridge lines: I've used all of these with success. They are all free, available anytime you want to have a conference call, and there are no obligations. You can have an account with each of them, or several accounts with any one of them (so you're not using the same dial-in number and PIN for every call.) At each of these sites, they will give you directions on how to use their services.

http://www.FreeConferenceCalling.com < This is by far the best one. No hidden charges, free recording priviledges and great service! And it's free!


Please do not hold a LEVEL 1 WORKSHOP



E-mail Lindsay to order her Ultimate Level 1 Workbook for your students at a volume discount (25 or more). Take a look at the Table of Contents

Read about it at www.Lulu.com, However, DON'T order there or you will pay full retail. Let Lindsay know how many you need and where you want them mailed etc. and pay only $12 (for 25 or more) each, instead of $20 online.




And just in case you glossed over it or missed it, here is the link for The Power Package Teleclass Series (sold for $185)... yours free. There is a lot of valuable information, processes and downloads with this file, and over 19 hours of audios. I hope you use it and find it valuable. However, this is copyrighted information and you are not allowed to sale it or give it away.

Not enough stuff? Here are some more free teleclass audios for you:

Cravings, Addictions, audio download

Overcoming Disappointment or Regret

Shame and Guilt

Relationship Remedy

Download Lindsay's "Relationship Remedy" article
NOTE: Judy reports that her estranged Sister-in-Law, "Betty" called her the day after this teleclass
to re-establish their long-lost relationship!  Amazing, but true. :-)

The Need to be Perfect (being hard on yourself)

Dealing with Core Issues
Download Lindsay's article on Core Issues

Transforming Low Self-Esteem into Confidence
self esteem

Congratulations on completing the UPW and for using this
Support Library. Please make us proud!


All of the Level 3 Recorded Webinars and more can be found at this link: http://wwwProEFT.com/workshops/Prac_Intensive_FINAL_Confo.asp

For those who joined up online via the streaming part of the workshop, you can find your final exams and more at this link: (www.ProEFT.com/workshops/PI_materials.html)
Return your score sheet to Katherine at assistant@LKcoaching.com


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